Monday, March 22, 2010

Fast Natural Remedy For Tonsil Stones

Tonsil stones (TS) can make you feel that you have something lodged in the back of your throat. This can be quite irritating and bothersome to the person. They are white small balls that appear on the tonsils. They can cause you to have a sore throat and have foul smelling breath.
?br>A fast natural remedy for TS is gargling with salt and warm water. This is a great way to loosen and dislodge the stones from the tonsil. The salt acts as an antiseptic to disinfect the mouth and the throat. Turmeric and pepper are also another great way to help to dislodge the stones.
?br>Coughing can sometimes dislodge the tonsil stones. Squeezing your throat gently and clearing your throat can help to loosen the stones.
?br>Chewing on garlic can help to eliminate TS. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and has wonderful healing properties. Chewing on garlic clove every night before bed will help the tonsil stones to disappear and keep them from reappearing.
?br>Purchasing a water pik is a great way to help loosen and dislodge the TS. It can get in and the force of the spray will help remove the stones, but be careful that it doesn't cause irritation to the soft tissues.
?br>Cotton swabs (Q-tip) is a gentle way to remove the stones. Moisten the end of the swab with water and you can reach far in and push the tonsil stone out.
?br>A diet with probiotics is known to help breakdown the stones on a slower basis. Probiotics have good bacteria that can fight and keep the bad bacteria away. This in time will also help in the return or future outbreak of tonsil stones.
?br>When trying to prevent tonsil stones from returning, a good oral hygienic care is good way to start. Brushing your teeth, flossing, gargling and using a tongue scraper will help to ensure a reduction in tonsil stones and may even eliminate them to ever returning.

If you would like to discover exactly how to get rid of tonsil stones using a natural home remedy, please visit Tonsil Stones Cure []. This is the most efficient way and easiest way to permanently eliminate tonsil stones and ensure the problem will not return.

Obediah Marsh



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