Saturday, March 27, 2010

Acne Vitamins - Which Essential Vitamins Are Guaranteed to Clear Your Skin Fast

Many of us have tried many ways to get clearer skin and think that the next treatment is the right solution. The best way to get clearer skin is to work from the inside out. Here are some essential acne vitamins to get your skin clear fast.

1.Vitamin A: This is to strengthen the protective skin and the recommended dose is 25000 IU daily until the skin has healed then reduce it down to 5000 IU daily.

2.Vitamin B complex: This is for maintaining a healthier skin tone and is also an anti-stress vitamin. 100 mg of the B vitamins three times a day is important to reducing acne.

3.Vitamin C: This promotes immune function and reduces inflammation. This is needed for collagen repair of the skin tissue. The recommend dosage is 1000-1600 mg three times a day to see great results.

4.Vitamin D and E: Vitamin D promotes healing and vitamin E is an antioxidant. 400 IU of each vitamin is recommended for keeping your skin clearer.

5.Zinc: This vitamin helps prevent scarring and promotes the healing of the skin tissue. This is a necessary factor for the oil producing glands. 30-80 mg is to be taken a each day.

6.Water: This is extremely important to getting clearer skin because it is involved with every function of the body. Water helps transport needed nutrients and flush toxins out from your body that can build up to cause acne or other skin conditions. By drinking eight to twelve, 8-ounce glasses of water will ensure that your body has what it needs to maintain great health.

Taking these vitamins daily will significantly reduce acne and will keep you happier and healthier. Remember to always consult your doctor before taking something internally even if it is herbal and all natural.

I know that what I am about to reveal to you about on how to get rid of acne, can be almost impossible to believe. But it is 100% truth! Do you know you can get rid of acne within a matter of 7 days? Seems impossible right? Well see for yourself; follow this link - Click Here


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