Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Acne Natural Treatments - Guideline You Must Follow For Effective Acne Treatment

A lot of people face acne problems at some point in their lives and some of them even have acne problems after adolescence. If you are embarrassed because of acne breakouts, here are some acne natural treatments to help you reduce acne.

First of all, you have to know that there are various causes of acne. The condition can be associated to genes but you do not have to make that as an excuse to live with acne everyday. Your food choice is also an important factor in acne breakouts. For instance, if your diet includes sodas, fried and oily foods, dairy products, sugary foods and fatty foods, you are more prone to acne.

Studies have proven that a healthy diet is essential to maintain a healthy body and skin. Fresh vegetables such as spinach, salads, zucchini, barley leaves, wheat grass and cucumbers are helpful to keep the skin clear. Other healthy foods that must be in your diet include raw nuts and seeds, whole grain breads and honey.

You may find it hard to choose the right treatment for your acne due to the many products available in the market. Remember that every product is different and has different medical effects, which depends on the ingredients included in the treatment product.

Acne treatments are based with different substances such as aqueous solutions and alcohol solutions. If you have oily skin, it is recommended to use alcohol-based acne products while if you have normal to dry skin, water-based products that contain a little amount of alcohol are more advised. Aside from these solutions, you can also use foams, creams, lotions and gels in order to treat acne.

And now I would like to offer you more free acne information, tips and resources when you come to my website. You can get your instant access at
From Zacky Lim - The passionate and helpful friend who provide valuable acne information at

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Natural Acne Remedies - Your Guide to Fight Acne Naturally

Acne can cause low self-confidence especially among teenagers and a lot of people are spending a fortune just to find effective cures for acne.
Acne tends to come back and it needs a continuous skin care solution in order get rid of bacteria that cause acne. While you can use different acne treatments that are available in the market, natural acne remedies are highly recommended.
You can easily find ingredients for natural remedies in your own kitchen. For instance, tea is one of the best natural treatments for acne as it contains a lot of antioxidants that help detoxify the body and eliminate harmful elements such as acne-causing bacteria. It is recommended to have regular intake of tea in order to get rid of all the chemicals inside the body. You can also add lemon juice into your tea, making it more effective for acne.
If you want to get rid of your acne, you need to have healthier choices of food. Make sure to have a well-balanced diet that involves eating healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. People who have acne must watch what they eat. It is best to stay away from foods that are high in oil, sugar, salt and fats. Processed foods must also be avoided in order to prevent harmful chemicals.
Make sure to observe that kinds of food you eat and identify the foods that trigger acne development. Doing so, you will be able to avoid bad food choices, prevent acne buildup and solve your acne issues without having the need to visit a dermatologist.

And now I would like to offer you more free acne information, tips and resources when you come to my website. You can get your instant access at From Zacky Lim - The passionate and helpful friend who provide valuable acne information at

Monday, March 29, 2010

Acne Skin Care Information and Advice

Recent medical research has highlighted that there exist many more causes of acne than what was previously understood. Teenagers, specifically teenage boys, seem to be more prone to acne because of the effects of the increased levels of testosterone as they reach puberty. This hormone stimulates the sebaceous glands in the skin which results in the production of more sebum oil.

Conversely, African skin types, which are relatively quite rich in sebum, seem to suffer much less from acne disorders. Medical practitioners also report seeing more adults that are suffering with acne in adulthood, yet their skin is often of a dry type, which confuses the traditional line of thinking of the overactive sebaceous gland causing acne by producing too much sebum which generally results in a greasy skin type.

Acne generally occurs when the fine pores of the skin surface become blocked. Each pore contains a hair follicle, containing the sebum producing sebaceous gland. These glands are supposed to produce a 'healthy' level of the sebum oil which helps lubricate the skin and helps our dead skin cells to part from the skin surface to be replaced by new ones.

The main cause of acne is when these dead skin cells around the follicles do not shed properly and this causes the pore to become blocked. Bacteria then turn the blocked pore into a spot and the area becomes inflamed causing the unsightly appearance we associated with acne disorders.

Medical research of late however, suggests that the cause of spots in adults is due more to inflammation at the cell level rather than being the direct result of a pore blocked with dead cells and sebum. Stress, smoking, pollutants, poor diet all contribute to generating high levels of free radicals in our body.

Free radicals are molecules that have an un-paired electron in their outer ring. We generate them naturally in our bodies via the process of oxidation ie. where we take in oxygen which our body then uses directly and converts into other substances to help feed our brain and body.

A free radical is an unstable piece of matter that is searching for an extra electron to make it stable. If it manages to 'steal' that odd electron from another piece of matter then that matter is then unstable and it then searches for an electron to make up its number. This chain reaction can be damaging to human tissue and this is what we mean when we refer to damaging free radicals in the context of skin damage.

The body has a defense system in the form of antioxidants. These are molecules which interact with free radicals in a safe manner, terminating the chain reaction they cause before the molecular structure of human tissue becomes damaged.

Some general tips to help reduce the inflammatory causes of acne in adults by reducing the effects of free radicals:

  • There are many acne skin care products and diets which aim to reduce acne by targeting the free radicals in our body by taking on extra antioxidants. Aim to eat oily fish, fresh vegetables and fruit, flaxseeds, nuts and yogurt to help feed your bodies source of antioxidants
  • If you are going to take supplements then concentrate your efforts on A, B, C and E, zinc, selenium and Omega-3 fatty acids. These all play a part in supporting the bodies natural mechanism for coping with free radicals
  • Try and keep sun exposure to moderate levels as UV radiation from the sun can stimulate the production of free radicals
  • along with sun protection, its a good idea to use a face cream that contains antioxidants
  • Another positive effect of ensuring you supply your body with enough antioxidants is that they convert the naturally occurring amino acid tryptophan into the brain boosting serotonin which has the effect of making you feel happier
  • Inflammation, skin irritation and/or scratching of any sort will flair inflammation. Anti-inflammatories are known to have a positive affect on acne
  • hormonal manipulation - you should seek medical advice to find out more about this option. The commonly combined oestrogen/progestogen methods of hormonal contraception have seen some positive effects. The antiandrogen, Cyproterone (Diane-35), in combination with an oestrogen is also particularly effective at reducing androgenic hormone levels. Diane-35 is not available in the USA, but a newer oral contraceptive containing the progestin drospirenone is now available with fewer side effects than Diane 35 / Dianette. Both can be used where blood tests show abnormally high levels of androgens, but have been shown to be effective even when this is not the case

Read more information aimed at how to get rid of acne at the Skin Care Products Guide

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Acne Vitamins - Which Essential Vitamins Are Guaranteed to Clear Your Skin Fast

Many of us have tried many ways to get clearer skin and think that the next treatment is the right solution. The best way to get clearer skin is to work from the inside out. Here are some essential acne vitamins to get your skin clear fast.

1.Vitamin A: This is to strengthen the protective skin and the recommended dose is 25000 IU daily until the skin has healed then reduce it down to 5000 IU daily.

2.Vitamin B complex: This is for maintaining a healthier skin tone and is also an anti-stress vitamin. 100 mg of the B vitamins three times a day is important to reducing acne.

3.Vitamin C: This promotes immune function and reduces inflammation. This is needed for collagen repair of the skin tissue. The recommend dosage is 1000-1600 mg three times a day to see great results.

4.Vitamin D and E: Vitamin D promotes healing and vitamin E is an antioxidant. 400 IU of each vitamin is recommended for keeping your skin clearer.

5.Zinc: This vitamin helps prevent scarring and promotes the healing of the skin tissue. This is a necessary factor for the oil producing glands. 30-80 mg is to be taken a each day.

6.Water: This is extremely important to getting clearer skin because it is involved with every function of the body. Water helps transport needed nutrients and flush toxins out from your body that can build up to cause acne or other skin conditions. By drinking eight to twelve, 8-ounce glasses of water will ensure that your body has what it needs to maintain great health.

Taking these vitamins daily will significantly reduce acne and will keep you happier and healthier. Remember to always consult your doctor before taking something internally even if it is herbal and all natural.

I know that what I am about to reveal to you about on how to get rid of acne, can be almost impossible to believe. But it is 100% truth! Do you know you can get rid of acne within a matter of 7 days? Seems impossible right? Well see for yourself; follow this link - Click Here

Friday, March 26, 2010

Guys Do Not Look Attractive Being Skinny

I used to be a skinny guy, standing 5ft 8, weighing below 60kg. Sometime towards the end of 2004 I met up with an ex-classmate i havent seen since we left school. Upon seeing me, she said "guys do not look attractive being skinny".

Coming from a lengthy attractive girl, her words troubled me a great deal so I started weight training. Today, my bodyweight is up by 15kg (that's 33lbs!)

This entry was submitted by HumSupKiat in response to my earlier post What was your turning point?.

Impressive. Don't you think that it's absolutely amazing how people's comments can make us go to great lengths to accomplish something? Even more interesting when it comes from someone from the opposite sex.

Always make it a point to give positive comments (or negative comments if you're close enough with that person) on someone's physique and always be tactful about it. You may not want to do it to a total stranger and risk getting hit in the face.

To summarise:

If not for the troubling words from his friend, HumSupKiat would never be where he was today. That's what I call... a turning point. When you get there.. you'll know, and you'll never look back.

Josh Stone, also known as DM, is the author behind the site which offers the author's personal views on real-life fitness, bodybuilding, sports nutrition, cardio, fat loss, training information, and on all things that surrounds fitness.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Fast Natural Remedy For Tonsil Stones

Tonsil stones (TS) can make you feel that you have something lodged in the back of your throat. This can be quite irritating and bothersome to the person. They are white small balls that appear on the tonsils. They can cause you to have a sore throat and have foul smelling breath.
?br>A fast natural remedy for TS is gargling with salt and warm water. This is a great way to loosen and dislodge the stones from the tonsil. The salt acts as an antiseptic to disinfect the mouth and the throat. Turmeric and pepper are also another great way to help to dislodge the stones.
?br>Coughing can sometimes dislodge the tonsil stones. Squeezing your throat gently and clearing your throat can help to loosen the stones.
?br>Chewing on garlic can help to eliminate TS. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and has wonderful healing properties. Chewing on garlic clove every night before bed will help the tonsil stones to disappear and keep them from reappearing.
?br>Purchasing a water pik is a great way to help loosen and dislodge the TS. It can get in and the force of the spray will help remove the stones, but be careful that it doesn't cause irritation to the soft tissues.
?br>Cotton swabs (Q-tip) is a gentle way to remove the stones. Moisten the end of the swab with water and you can reach far in and push the tonsil stone out.
?br>A diet with probiotics is known to help breakdown the stones on a slower basis. Probiotics have good bacteria that can fight and keep the bad bacteria away. This in time will also help in the return or future outbreak of tonsil stones.
?br>When trying to prevent tonsil stones from returning, a good oral hygienic care is good way to start. Brushing your teeth, flossing, gargling and using a tongue scraper will help to ensure a reduction in tonsil stones and may even eliminate them to ever returning.

If you would like to discover exactly how to get rid of tonsil stones using a natural home remedy, please visit Tonsil Stones Cure []. This is the most efficient way and easiest way to permanently eliminate tonsil stones and ensure the problem will not return.

Obediah Marsh


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Science is Defying Age - Resveratrol is the Magic Bullet

Beginning with the dawn of human existence, people have been fighting hard for a way to impede the slow process of aging. We as mortals are, by nature, always pining for a way to get more years of health and happiness out of our existences. As chemistry and our scientific abilities have developed, we have turned to a unique combination of science and natural ingredients to help us with the solution. After many years of clinical experiments, we have been able to slowly weed out the useless products from the truly profound medicinal supplements which are actually worthy of the remarkably high level of attention that they get.

From time to time, these discoveries are occasionally made accidentally. In studies done concerning cultures which have displayed a large amount of red wine ingestion over the years of an average life time, fascinating trends start to manifest. These include a statistically decreased rate of heart disease and obesity, as well as a noticeably improved metabolic rate, which implies a number of other related benefits. Fortunately, modern chemistry has been striving to to understand and isolate the anti-aging compound known as Resveratrol, and turn it into a plethora of easily consumable forms, including pills and lotions. Science is slowly making defying age easier than ever.

In the period of time since its rise to the limelight, consistent customers notice a boost in youthful energy levels, not to mention a measurable reduction of the overall effects of the natural aging process. Fine lines, and facial wrinkles become much less prominent. Related medical trials have also clinically shown the regular ingestion of Resveratrol to be a very positive step toward defying age, and defending ourselves against the probabilities of heart disease and certain kinds of cancer. It does this by disposing of dangerous free radicals in the body, and restoring the immune system to very robust levels. Despite all of the advertising hype, the effectiveness between different Resveratrol-based products will vary wildly. Probably the surest way to find out what all the fuss is about is just to give it an honest shot.

With all of this amazing scientific information coming to light, Resveratrol-based anti-aging pills have been received HUGE amounts of praise! It has been featured on television specials ranging from 60 Minutes to Oprah! Companies that are producing these amazing products are so confident in their ability to reduce wrinkles, and other aging effects that they are now offering a FREE TRIAL!

Your free samples can be shipped to your home with no obligation to you! Millions of satisfied users can't be wrong! With so much to gain, and so little to lose, you owe it to yourself to see what all the fuss is about. For a comparison of the top Resveratrol trial offers available today, CLICK HERE!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

How to Get Rid of Pimples - Steps to Take to Reduce Pimples and Prevent Future Outbreaks

Knowing how to get rid of pimples can be a lifesaver in many ways. Aside from saving you from looking less confident in front of your friends, it also allows your body to enjoy the feeling of having a clean and vibrant looking skin.

To get rid of pimples, the first thing that you must do is to know how to take care of your skin. Our skin is very sensitive and can easily attract a lot of germs from the outside world. Without properly cleansing your skin on a daily basis, some bacteria may easily live inside its pores and eventually attract the growth of pimples. Most doctors recommend the use of soap and water when washing our skin on a daily basis.

You can also use warm water for your face in order to wash away those bacteria that are likely to stick on your skin. After washing, dab a clean towel on your body and leave it to dry for a few minutes. Doing this regularly will keep your skin clean and will prevent the growth of pimples.

In the unfortunate event that you already have pimples growing on your skin, you may still continue doing the same regimen of washing your skin regularly. There are specific natural ingredients that you can make use of in order to decrease the production of sebum on your skin. You may want to use toothpaste or lime juice to keep your skin dry.

If you insist on using creams or ointments in order to fully get rid of the pimples, you can also consult with your dermatologist. There are specific products that may contain chemicals that can irritate your skin. Prior to applying it directly on your face or other parts of your body, it is best to have a brief background of the product's possible side effects and its compatibility with your skin composition.

Using products with natural ingredients will also guarantee your skin more safety during application. Each product has specific ingredients that they use to give emphasis on your skin's main problem. If your skin is too oily, for instance, there are products that concentrate on oil control. If you are looking to work on cleansing your pores from bacteria, there are also specific cleansers used for that purpose. Being able to determine the specific differences of these products will also prevent cases of misuse and unwanted side effects.

Are you sick and tired of having acne? Are you tired of looking in the mirror only to see pimples staring back at you? If yes, you don't have to worry no more! There is a safe, natural and effective way to get rid of acne in 14 Days Or Less!

This may seem impossible to believe but it is 100% truth. This holistic treatment will attack the root cause of the acne so that you can get rid of your pimples, whiteheads and blackheads for good. If you really desire to get a clean and clear skin then I really urge you to take 2 minutes to read everything on the next page because it just might change your life --> How To Get Rid Of Pimples