Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Premature Wrinkles - Simple Tips and Strategies For Younger Looking Skin

In most cases, the cause of premature wrinkles on the face is sun damage. That's actually a good thing, because research has shown that sun damage can be repaired.

Here's a look at a step-by-step approach that will reduce wrinkling and other signs of aging, as long as you're consistent.

Shield Your Face from the Sun

Look at the skin on the underside of your arm. Does it look smooth and young looking? That's because that area is rarely exposed to UV rays from the sun.

UV rays speed up the aging process. They cause an increase in the number and activity of damaging free radicals, one of the primary causes of aging throughout the body.

Your body can naturally repair free radical damage. Depending on your age, you could start to see a more youthful look and a reduction of premature wrinkles in four to six weeks, if you properly shield your face from the sun.

In order to do that, you need more than those disappearing sunscreens that are such popular ingredients in today's cosmetics. If you're a woman, there are some lines of makeup that contain zinc oxide, the safest and most effective sun-block available.

Whether you are a man or a woman, you can wear a hat with a brim large enough to shade your face. Whenever any area is exposed to the sun for 10 or 20 minutes, use a zinc oxide sun block. These efforts can make you look five years younger within six months.

Eating for Beauty

Depending on your current diet, you could turn the clock by a couple of years, just by eating right. Your skin's cells are composed of proteins. Research indicates that fish and soy protein improve the skin's structure and firmness. Fruits and vegetables provide unique antioxidants that are needed to repair free radical damage and reduce premature wrinkles.

Cleanse Gently

People have a tendency to over-clean these days, which leads to excessive dryness, roughness and lost beauty. Use only the gentlest cleansers. Avoid soaps, unless they contain a moisturizer. If the makeup that you wear requires a strong compound for removal, switch brands.

No matter how gentle your cleanser, you should always use a moisturizer afterwards. Even plain tap water strips the skin of its natural oils, which are also its natural protectant. Using harsh cleansers can cause premature wrinkles. The best way to get rid of them is to use an anti-aging moisturizer.

Choosing an Anti-aging moisturizer

Ingredients that are proven beneficial, when applied directly, include:

Coenzyme Q10---shown to reduce sun damage and wrinkling by 20-30% over the course of six weeks

Functional Keratin---show to increase the skin's firmness by as much as 40% over the course of 18 days

Other ingredients work with those two to further improve your skin's health and structure. Artificial ingredients like preservatives and fragrances should be avoided.

Petrolatum and mineral oils are not actually moisturizer. They can actually cause premature wrinkles.

Take the safe and natural approach. You'll be glad that you did.

So your next step? Discover the breakthrough natural skin care products that I personally use for younger looking skin and also discover other amazing natural substances such as Coenzyme Q10 and Functional Keratin that can help nourish and enhance your skin giving it a more youthful appearance, stop by my website today.

Carol P. Lawrence is a life-time user and passionate advocate of natural skin care products. Visit her site now to discover these cutting edge, anti-aging skin care products she recommends after extensive research: natural skin care


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