Sunday, April 4, 2010

How to Make Collagen Increase and Wrinkles Decrease

If you're anything like me you'd like to have a simple, but effective way for getting rid of wrinkles. Well, you can forget about the majority anti aging skin care products. Not only are they useless for adding collagen to your skin cells, they cannot do anything to make your natural production of collagen increase. If you want to get rid of wrinkles, you must harness the natural healing power of your own body by providing it with a natural collagen stimulant. Let me explain.

The signs of aging, like wrinkles, lines and sagging skin are the result of a slow-down in your body's production of the structural proteins, collagen and elastin. Years of fighting off damage from UV rays of the sun, as well as, environmental toxins, leave your skin cells tired, depleted and unable to produce normal amounts of collagen and elastin.

Scientists that work for cosmetic companies know this and have attempted to re-create these proteins in their labs for inclusion in skin care products. Unfortunately, the complex molecular structure of the collagen protein is beyond their capability to reproduce.

These scientists have come up with a clumsy version of these proteins. The molecules are too large to be absorbed and used by the skin. But that hasn't stopped them from turning out hundreds of so-called collagen stimulant products for an ever-increasing market. These companies make tons of money making products that do NOTHING to help make collagen increase.

So when it comes to getting rid of wrinkles, where does this leave you? Actually, it leaves you in a pretty good situation. First, because you're no longer going to waste your money on useless collagen creams and second, because I'm going to tell you what to look for in an effective, natural collagen stimulant.

"Natural" is the operative word when in comes to making your body's collagen increase. Think about it. Your skin is natural so it only stands to reason that it would benefit from natural substances. Tired, depleted skin cells need nourishment in order to become re-energized. "Feeding" them with special nutrients that have been harvested from nature is the most powerful way to reactivate healthy cell function. When cells are functioning properly, its easy for them to make collagen increase.

So how do you find these special, cell-energizing nutrients? Well, it takes a little time and research, but its well worth the effort. I personally discovered a laboratory in New Zealand that specializes in harvesting and testing bio-active substances for use in advanced skin care.

For example, a special form of Japanese sea kelp, called Phytessence Wakame, is producing remarkable results in clinical trials for inhibiting hyaluronidase, an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid in the skin. Without hyaluronic acid, the elastin and collagen fibers lose their "glue," causing the skin to sag and wrinkle. Phytesence Wakame helps to reinforce and strengthen the structure provided by the collagen and elastin proteins.

This substance is just a small part of an army of natural ingredients being used to develop products that inhibit aging and promote a healthy, youthful appearance. You can read more about these bio-active ingredients and how they help to make collagen increase so that wrinkles decrease.

This article was written by dedicated skin care researcher, Therese Higgins, who says,"Knowledge is power. Learn how to identify the nature-based substances make collagen increase. You will find them at


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