Monday, April 12, 2010

Dermajuv Reviews - Does Dermajuv Work?

Dermajuv is a complete rejuvenation system that has three individual products that make up the system. You can use each of the products separately however they are designed to work in a step by step manner to reduce the signs of aging.

You will receive an informational instruction sheet that tells you how to use each of the products to get the most benefits. The three anti aging products are The Dynamic Age Defying Serum, the Instant Effect Lifting Serum, and the Original Wrinkle Smoothing Cream.

But do they work? Glad you asked. Since they include the active ingredients of Sesaflash, Renovage, and Matrixyl the answer is yes, after all there is scientific research backing these active ingredients. Let's go through these Dermajuv reviews here to find out.

Dynamic Age Defying Serum

As we age our skin loses collagen and that leads to thinner skin and the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Renovage and Matrixyl have been scientifically proven to reduce the signs of aging and both of these are in this product at a 3% concentration of each. It works by stimulating the production of fibronectin and collagen.

Not only will it reduce wrinkles it will reduce age spots, large pores, and redness. It will also begin to reverse the signs of aging right away. During research Matrixyl was found to heal skin wounds quickly

Renovage clinical testing determined that Renovage replenished skin function loss by 60%, improved skin regeneration by 75% or more, and improved the skins defences by 100%. It reduces not only fine lines and wrinkles, it also reduces age spots.

Instant Effect Lifting Serum

This serum has Matrixyl and Sesaflash as key ingredients and it does an excellent job of eliminating fine lines and wrinkles. You already know the benefits of Matrixyl and Sesaflash has some impressive clinical trials too. It immediately begins to moisturize your skin and within 5 minutes the skin begins to tighten up. Wrinkles disappear right before your eyes, and unlike invasive procedures there is no discomfort.

Wrinkle Smoothing Cream

There's no surprise here. The name gives it away. This cream reduces, even eliminates wrinkles. It also has Matrixyl as a key ingredient. This product has a 49% better improvement than other similar products on the market.

While there may be many products on the market claiming to reduce or eliminate fine lines and wrinkles, not all of them work as well as the hype that promotes them. The Dermajuv treatments do work. Renovage, Matrixyl and Sesaflash are these three ingredients in these products, all back by scientific research and clinical trials.

If you were wondering if these products actually worked and weren't sure whether you should try them, they come with excellent reviews so expect improvements. While every person reacts differently to products Dermajuv looks promising.

Which are the highest rated wrinkle cream serum? See this reviews site by Marcus Ryan to see the latest reviews of the best anti aging cream serums including these real life customer reviews of Dermajuv and how this cream works to reduce the wrinkles and signs of aging in minutes. Which cream works best? How does this cream compare to Athena 7 Minute Lift? Find out here in these latest wrinkle cream reviews.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Best Hair Products For Your Style!

If you're like me, choosing the best hair products for your hairstyle often begins with a big whiff of the bottle. Yep, how many of us start with taking off the cap give an approving smell?

Generally when a stylist or barber makes a recommendation for a new product, I immediately go for the cap. If it smells great, I will often give it a try. More often than not, however, I'm just not a big fan. I have scents and aromas I gravitate towards - Tea Tree Oil, Citrus, Spearmint or Peppermint. Interestingly though, as a manufacturer, I have learned there is a lot behind the smell.

So, what do I look for?

Depending on your style or type, there are several issues you should consider. The first is strength.

Weak, brittle or breaking hair is more common than many of us would like. Follicles are made of proteins fed and developed by amino acids. Their microscopic bonds can be stretched, torn, broken or damaged by heat and moisture.

Inexpensive shampoos and conditioners (though they may smell great) are often formulated with harsh, inexpensive surfactants. While these may make your hair smell good for a while, they often are damaging protein bonds and making follicle susceptible to damage.

Products that contain Sodium Laureth Sulfate are more gentle on the scalp and locks and perform cleansing equally if not better than less expensive brands. The addition of botanical extracts such as Sage, Fenugreek and Ivy have proved effective for stimulating circulation, improving growth and nourishing the cortex and root for better shaft development.

Proteins such as rice, corn or wheat help infuse proteins directly into the follicle making the shaft stronger - with increased elasticity, flexibility and shine.

The right product for your type and style

The second consideration is length and type.

While these may seem separate issues, from a formulation perspective they have similar characteristics. Curly, short, wavy or long require and have a different appetite for ingredients that make them behave with bounce and body.

Ingredients such as Panthenol, Emu Oil or Jojoba Oil penetrate deep into the shaft and allow the "shape" of the hairstyle or design to be better maintained. Each provide soothing to the scalp and add significant moisture necessary for scalp and hair health as well as proper circulation of blood and natural oils.

Long styles require moisture to avoid split-ends, short require flexibility to avoid fly-away. And curls need added proteins for manageability and hold (whether you want to enhance or subdue the curls.)

Watch for Preservatives

Though their are several other considerations, I want to end with preservatives. Shampoos and conditioners degrade over time and their chemical make-up changes. Again, for the sake of costs, many preservatives can cause damage. Though more expensive, look for products with Paraben-Free preservatives - they protect the integrity of the contents and don't strip oils or nutrients.

I agree, choosing the best hair products for your hairstyle starts with the smell. But, take a closer look at the product and you will be rewarded with bounce, shine and strength!

Shop online at Healthy Hair Plus for the best hair products for women and men.

HealthyHairPlus is a leading manufacturer and source to buy - healthy shampoos, conditioners, and styling aids for beautiful, strong and shiny hair. Keep up the with latest advice, trends and ingredients for maximum protection and body for healthy hair styles.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Essential Hair Products Women Must Have

As a woman we have a disposition to try every product that we can get our hands on to ensure that we are utilising only the greatest. On occasion we will also buy something that is not really required. Rather we should thin down our hair products and buy just the things that are crucial and that we want. We want to make a list of the best hair products that you should have with you at all times.

Shampoo And Conditioner

This is an apparent must have for any girl who wants to keep her hair bright and clean on a daily basis. The conditioner is in reality a product that is not required for all women. A couple need it in order to substitute the moisture that they lost and other women need it to detangle their hair. Nevertheless, those of you who have thin hair that is naturally moisturized might find this damaging instead of helpful.

Hair Gel And Mousse

Hair gel and mousse are two very unique things. Both have the ability to be utilized to shape the hair to accomplish the desirable look - but they are for various hair types. Those who has obstinately thick hair would be wise to keep using the gel because it is more powerful and will hold the look. Those searching for volume or just a slight amount of hold should use the mousse.

Blow Dryer

Once again this is a must for any women. The key to this is to purchase one that will not hurt your hair. You can acquire some that are developed particularly with a feature or attachment that will shield your hair while it dries it. Just ensure you stick to one and be careful with it.

Curling Or Flat Iron

Again these are two unique hair products employed for two completely distinct hair types. The curling iron should only be utilised by women who have straight hair and are wanting to add some waves and curls to increase the volume and overall look of it. Ceramic flat irons are a must for women who have thick, frizzy, and curly hair. The flat iron permits them to straighten all of these problems out and give them a look that is unusual and simpler to handle - if only for one day.

Ceramic Hair Irons are great to use when women have frizzy hair that is hard to tame. But in order to use it you will want to know how to keep the Heat From Damaging it.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bad Breath Or Halitosis

Most people have bad breath now and then, it's the constant or recurring cases of bad breath that can offend work associates, friends, and family and loved ones. It can become a very real social problem. In medical terms it is call halitosis.

Whatever the cause of your bad breath, the most common remedy is ineffective and counterproductive. Mouthwash is the enemy to which I am referring.

Mouthwashes are a combination of flavors, a bit of dye, and too much alcohol. Any ER doctor will recount a story about a child they had seen near death from drinking mouthwash. Most are about 20% alcohol... wait, let me go check. The generic brand I just found in my house is 21.6% alcohol. This is more than beer and wine! (We have it as a sample from our previous dentist).

While the claims that mouthwash kill bacteria are true, it's also true that the bacteria quickly come back-and in greater force than before you used the mouthwash. (Yes, there are good brands out there, getting to that).

Too much mouthwash is irritating to the gums, the palate, the tongue, and the mucous membranes of the mouth. And in a small percentage of people who are susceptible, and in particular if they smoke and drink, heavy use of mouthwash can cause certain types of cancer.

If you do want to use something to freshen your breath, you can put a few drops of peppermint oil in a glass of water and rinse (do not swallow it). You can get peppermint oil at a pharmacy and probably all over the Internet.

Halitosis or bad breath has a number of cause the most obvious being dental hygiene. If you don't brush and floss your teeth regularly tiny bits of food will become lodge between teeth you barely knew you had in your mouth and those will decompose. Imagine a dead person in your mouth... yes, gross.

Of course you already know you should brush and floss your teeth twice a day, but there are some other measures you can take to ensure fresh smelling breath.

Brushing your tongue is probably the single most effective thing you can do. (I personally chew sugar-free gum, but I know that's bad.) In studies it has been shown that tongue brushing alone is a better guard against bad breath than brushing only the teeth.

Flossing of course is so important. I am always flossing and it annoys lots of people, but my gums are healthy while I am not, go figure.

Replace your toothbrush about every 2 months. If you could only see the bacteria on that thing, you'd replace it more often. I personally love my Sonicare and I replace the head about every 3 months and my hygienist loves me for it.

If you are somewhere you can't brush, use water and swish it around your mouth vigorously.

Snacks like carrots, apples and celery help fight the development of plaque on teeth according to every dentist I've ever known. I've dated several, what's up with that?

Visit your dentist twice yearly not only for cleaning, but for an examination of your mouth. This is so important if you are a smoker of course!

Some foods are well-known offenders as far as bad breath goes. Garlic is probably the one that comes to everyone's mind. However, there are others like: raw onions, hot peppers, cheeses, anchovies, sardines, pepperoni and other foods I'm sure you can think of. Ugh!

Other causes of bad breath like postnasal drip from sinusitis can cause bad breath also. So can alcoholism, kidney failure, liver disease, an ulcer, as well as certain medications.

If you have chronic bad breath (lasting longer than 6 months) see your physician.

Natural Prescriptions For Bad Breath:

* Avoid the use of commercial mouthwashes; Toms of Maine makes a wonderful line of oral care products. Biotene also makes alcohol-free products that help keep the bacteria level in your mouth in check.

* Eliminate the offending foods discussed in this article or others that you think might be causing you to have bad breath.

* Brush your teeth with care at least twice a day.

* If you can't brush after meals, simply rinse your mouth with plain water.

* Visit your dentist twice yearly for a thorough cleaning and examination to elimination other causes of bad breath: cavities, bleeding gums, abscessed teeth, throat infection, etc.

* Clean dentures, or partials carefully.

* Eliminate offending foods.

* See your physician or clinic if bad breath persists.

Amy Otis, RN is the founder of several health-related web sites. She currently writes for and her new site Drop by, you might just learn something.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Useful Tips For Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Laser hair removal is also identified as photothermolysis, a modern method of removing unwanted hair efficiently and permanently. It is also a safe and easy process which removes unwanted hair on any parts of the body without affecting the skin. This process basically involves sending powerful beams of laser light to the hair follicles to destroy the roots and prevent re-growing of hair.

Here are some of the useful tips for you who have decided to go for this treatment. There are some points to be taken into consideration before the treatment. Firstly, select the "Right" doctor. Do survey to find out more about the efficiency of the doctors, the equipments used in the clinics, the services provided, the overall treatment fee, etc. After you have selected the "right" doctor, go for a skin test to find out whether your skin is suitable for this particular treatment. Consult the doctors on what kind of laser is suitable for you. If your skin is very sensitive type, ask the doctors about the side effect and think twice before undergoing the treatment. To secure yourself, you are advised to look for the terms and conditions stated on the treatment package in order to make sure the prices of each process are matched with the treatment and services which will be provided then.

Next, after doing the skin test and appointment date has been fixed for the treatment, it is then suggested that you should shave the area and allow it to grow stubble 3 days before the removal procedure. Do not pluck the hair or wax the area before the treatment. Besides, you should stop taking medications like aspirins, anti-inflammatory pills, dietary supplements, vitamin E, etc to avoid the risks of complications in the hair removal procedure. In the case where you have a tan from intense UV sunray, you need to wait for the tan to get over first before undergoing the treatment.

Before the treatment commences, you can request from your doctor to apply a thicker layer of anesthetic on your skin or take pain relievers in order to avoid pain and discomfort. During the treatment especially for facial hair removal, you must wear goggles to make sure your eyes are not exposed to the powerful laser lights.

In normal circumstances, this type of treatment does not cause any pain after the procedure is completed. You shouldn't touch the treated area for a few days and try to avoid direct sunlight as this may affect the result. However, if you are suffering pain, swelling, redness, skin discoloration or redness after the treatment, do not hesitate to visit your doctors immediately to identify the problem.

After knowing all the tips stated above, what is your expectation? Of course a fair and smooth skin - as smooth as silk!

For more laser hair removal facts and home laser hair removal, visit

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Premature Wrinkles - Simple Tips and Strategies For Younger Looking Skin

In most cases, the cause of premature wrinkles on the face is sun damage. That's actually a good thing, because research has shown that sun damage can be repaired.

Here's a look at a step-by-step approach that will reduce wrinkling and other signs of aging, as long as you're consistent.

Shield Your Face from the Sun

Look at the skin on the underside of your arm. Does it look smooth and young looking? That's because that area is rarely exposed to UV rays from the sun.

UV rays speed up the aging process. They cause an increase in the number and activity of damaging free radicals, one of the primary causes of aging throughout the body.

Your body can naturally repair free radical damage. Depending on your age, you could start to see a more youthful look and a reduction of premature wrinkles in four to six weeks, if you properly shield your face from the sun.

In order to do that, you need more than those disappearing sunscreens that are such popular ingredients in today's cosmetics. If you're a woman, there are some lines of makeup that contain zinc oxide, the safest and most effective sun-block available.

Whether you are a man or a woman, you can wear a hat with a brim large enough to shade your face. Whenever any area is exposed to the sun for 10 or 20 minutes, use a zinc oxide sun block. These efforts can make you look five years younger within six months.

Eating for Beauty

Depending on your current diet, you could turn the clock by a couple of years, just by eating right. Your skin's cells are composed of proteins. Research indicates that fish and soy protein improve the skin's structure and firmness. Fruits and vegetables provide unique antioxidants that are needed to repair free radical damage and reduce premature wrinkles.

Cleanse Gently

People have a tendency to over-clean these days, which leads to excessive dryness, roughness and lost beauty. Use only the gentlest cleansers. Avoid soaps, unless they contain a moisturizer. If the makeup that you wear requires a strong compound for removal, switch brands.

No matter how gentle your cleanser, you should always use a moisturizer afterwards. Even plain tap water strips the skin of its natural oils, which are also its natural protectant. Using harsh cleansers can cause premature wrinkles. The best way to get rid of them is to use an anti-aging moisturizer.

Choosing an Anti-aging moisturizer

Ingredients that are proven beneficial, when applied directly, include:

Coenzyme Q10---shown to reduce sun damage and wrinkling by 20-30% over the course of six weeks

Functional Keratin---show to increase the skin's firmness by as much as 40% over the course of 18 days

Other ingredients work with those two to further improve your skin's health and structure. Artificial ingredients like preservatives and fragrances should be avoided.

Petrolatum and mineral oils are not actually moisturizer. They can actually cause premature wrinkles.

Take the safe and natural approach. You'll be glad that you did.

So your next step? Discover the breakthrough natural skin care products that I personally use for younger looking skin and also discover other amazing natural substances such as Coenzyme Q10 and Functional Keratin that can help nourish and enhance your skin giving it a more youthful appearance, stop by my website today.

Carol P. Lawrence is a life-time user and passionate advocate of natural skin care products. Visit her site now to discover these cutting edge, anti-aging skin care products she recommends after extensive research: natural skin care

Sunday, April 4, 2010

How to Make Collagen Increase and Wrinkles Decrease

If you're anything like me you'd like to have a simple, but effective way for getting rid of wrinkles. Well, you can forget about the majority anti aging skin care products. Not only are they useless for adding collagen to your skin cells, they cannot do anything to make your natural production of collagen increase. If you want to get rid of wrinkles, you must harness the natural healing power of your own body by providing it with a natural collagen stimulant. Let me explain.

The signs of aging, like wrinkles, lines and sagging skin are the result of a slow-down in your body's production of the structural proteins, collagen and elastin. Years of fighting off damage from UV rays of the sun, as well as, environmental toxins, leave your skin cells tired, depleted and unable to produce normal amounts of collagen and elastin.

Scientists that work for cosmetic companies know this and have attempted to re-create these proteins in their labs for inclusion in skin care products. Unfortunately, the complex molecular structure of the collagen protein is beyond their capability to reproduce.

These scientists have come up with a clumsy version of these proteins. The molecules are too large to be absorbed and used by the skin. But that hasn't stopped them from turning out hundreds of so-called collagen stimulant products for an ever-increasing market. These companies make tons of money making products that do NOTHING to help make collagen increase.

So when it comes to getting rid of wrinkles, where does this leave you? Actually, it leaves you in a pretty good situation. First, because you're no longer going to waste your money on useless collagen creams and second, because I'm going to tell you what to look for in an effective, natural collagen stimulant.

"Natural" is the operative word when in comes to making your body's collagen increase. Think about it. Your skin is natural so it only stands to reason that it would benefit from natural substances. Tired, depleted skin cells need nourishment in order to become re-energized. "Feeding" them with special nutrients that have been harvested from nature is the most powerful way to reactivate healthy cell function. When cells are functioning properly, its easy for them to make collagen increase.

So how do you find these special, cell-energizing nutrients? Well, it takes a little time and research, but its well worth the effort. I personally discovered a laboratory in New Zealand that specializes in harvesting and testing bio-active substances for use in advanced skin care.

For example, a special form of Japanese sea kelp, called Phytessence Wakame, is producing remarkable results in clinical trials for inhibiting hyaluronidase, an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid in the skin. Without hyaluronic acid, the elastin and collagen fibers lose their "glue," causing the skin to sag and wrinkle. Phytesence Wakame helps to reinforce and strengthen the structure provided by the collagen and elastin proteins.

This substance is just a small part of an army of natural ingredients being used to develop products that inhibit aging and promote a healthy, youthful appearance. You can read more about these bio-active ingredients and how they help to make collagen increase so that wrinkles decrease.

This article was written by dedicated skin care researcher, Therese Higgins, who says,"Knowledge is power. Learn how to identify the nature-based substances make collagen increase. You will find them at

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Curing Acne Naturally

Curing acne naturally. Why is it that in this modern world we live in with all it's advancements in medicine and technology, that no one has come up with a cure for acne.

Why indeed. Well I will tell you. There is millions of dollars spent every year on creams, soap washes, dermatological products, potions, and formulas, all claiming to offer a cure for acne, yet acne is still with us, and on the increase. Why? The reason is simple.

It is not a priority with pharmaceutical companies to spend money on researching the causes of acne because it is too good a money spinner for them.

To this day the root medical cause of acne is not known. There have been many theories put forward such as, oily skin, too much sugar in the blood, unhygienic habits, not washing the face properly, eating the wrong foods, eating chocolate, the list is endless. So where does that leave us. Well let us dig a little deeper into the problem.

Curing acne naturally is the most effective way of treating this problem. Why? Again the answer is simple. Natural products are exactly that, natural. They are more compatible with the bodies defensive system. They work in harmony with the natural changes that occur in our bodies every hour of the day.

There are no unsavoury side effects such as, increasing the blood pressure, headaches, dizziness, and generally feeling unwell. This can affect our work performances dramatically.

The reasons for any of these symptoms affecting you if you are not using natural remedies, is because the body is trying to cope with these alien drugs. It is trying to assimilate all these different mixtures in the creams and potions that are sold over the pharmacy counter.

A day does not go by without many scientists discovering that the cure for most of our illnesses is to be found in natural products.

The more they study nature the more they realise mother nature holds the answer to all the worlds ailments.

Curing acne naturally means working with our body in harmonious rhythms, allowing us continue with our daily lifestyle. There is no feeling unwell because our body is not trying to adapt to strange toxins which are upsetting our natural ability to deal with body changes.

The benefits of natural products to keep us healthy means our confidence and self esteem is increased because we are not afraid to meet strangers, or mix with work colleagues. Our whole demeanour changes when fear is no longer a problem to us. We become more sociable and look forward to making new friends.

Nature we finally are beginning to realise is our only ally and friend when it comes to curing diseases and maladies that have plagued us for centuries.

Curing acne naturally means exactly what it says. The remedies are all designed by nature and nurtured by nature.

Now do you not think it is time to let nature show you her healing powers.

Make the change and bin all those costly medications and let nature take over, she will not let you down that's her promise to mankind.

This 100% all natural acne remedies eliminates the need for a dermatologist and is a treatment program that you can implement from the comfort of your own home and has a 98% success rate. For pregnant women suffering with acne this is a revelation as there are no harmful medications involved.

This natural acne solution also promises to leave no marks or scarring behind and if you have existing acne marks or scarring they will be eliminated naturally by the end of the treatment, guaranteed! If you would like more information on this ground breaking treatment and receive a free 'healthy skincare guide' Visit Here Today and lets put a stop to your acne once and for all the natural and organic way!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Are Anti-Aging Supplements Preferable?

Many people are now willing to go any lengths to halt or slow the aging process. This is because we place a huge premium on how we look. Looks are of particular importance to people because this forms the first impression when people look at one another. The competition and urge to look acceptable is especially high if one is in the entertainment industry. That is why many entertainers go to great lengths when it comes to looking good. One thing that interferes with looks is aging.

Aging is essentially caused by the degeneration of the body's cells. This has been blamed on compounds known as free radicals. These are protein molecules originating from without and even within the body which cause the body's cells to degenerate. The activities of free radicals are still being researched and scientists are still debating on the true effects of these. One thing is clear; cells subjected to free radicals degenerate faster and victory over aging in being able to limit their activity. There have been many avenues proposed to deal with this. While many are valid and effective, more people are beginning to prefer natural anti-aging supplements over synthetic methods and techniques.

Herbal-based supplements have increased in popularity because they are free from side-effects. They are also created from foods and herbs which are provided free by nature. These have been lauded for their ability to fight free radicals and help the body rejuvenate.

One of the advantages of employing natural anti-aging products is that there are minimal side effects. This is because as we mentioned, these products are derived from fruits, vegetables herbs and roots that occur naturally. Let us examine a few:

Cucumber-Mix this with limejuice and some honey. You can either drink this directly or pour it into your bath water to reduce wrinkling.

Honey- This miracle product occurs naturally and works wonders against anti-aging. Can also eaten directly.

The two are just a few. Then in the fruit section you can try acai berry, which some have called a super-food because of its ability to rejuvenate. Other classic super-foods include mangoes, pineapples, pears, peach and even carrots. These have been said to help the body's immune system and have become extremely popular for making health supplements. Cranberry for instance, is a bitter fruit that is rich in carotene, which is a chemical compound that helps fight heart disease and even cancer.

Looking for information on how to get rid of premature wrinkling? Check out the complete guide to natural anti-aging products and rejuvenate your body.