Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Perfect Gift For Any Little Artist

Skip the easel and go straight for the flat surface that has a chair where children can be comfortable for hours on end. Children should be encouraged to express their creativity in all types of artistic ways. Studies have shown that instructing children in a creative outlet will aid in childhood development and allow them to find a healthy method of release. It can provide a release for stress, boredom, and frustration while providing them with a calmer demeanor that often results in a child that is better behaved. It even contributes toward the healthy mental development needed to become a well-adjusted adult!

If you thought drawing and coloring was just a form of entertainment, guess again! These are the activities that have been shown to lead to healthy, well-adjusted mental development in children. Being creative helps children understand their emotions and improve their self-esteem. If you want to influence your child's abilities to help him become successful in life during adulthood, provide him with the instruments to create great artistic work. In addition, you will help him to improve dexterity and learn problem solving skills. Learning the colors, shapes, and textures involved in a variety of artistic activities will help them learn to solve problems that are important in learning critical thinking.

You can pique your child's interest in creating artwork by providing him with the right furniture to work on and the tools to provide them with an outlet of expression. If you aren't sure what age you should start encouraging your child's artistic abilities, keep in mind that the earlier your child starts exploring and using his creativity, the more he will be able to develop. Also, once you stop using your skills for a long period of time and then start back, you will pick back up at the level you stopped at. That means that if you quit drawing in the fourth grade and then pick it back up as a forty year old adult, you will start at a fourth grade level.

There is a variety of furniture on the market that is designed for children to use as a workspace and you will find something that is suitable for any age from two and up. There are also plenty of tools that are non-toxic, washable, and safe for them to use on any surface since they can be easily cleaned up.

There are workstations that hold a roll of paper so that you can easily go from one drawing to the next or you can use scrap paper that has been discarded at your office computer or copier. You can also look into books and online videos on how-to-draw projects that are appropriate for your child's age.

The most encouraging step you can take towards getting your child to create artwork is by providing the space and tools that are especially designated as his artistic space. Keep encouraging and your child will only continue to benefit.


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