Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Joe the Plumber Effect

The concept of "Joe the Plumber" was popularized during the 2008 presidential election. The term originated with Joe Wurzelbacher, a former plumber who has become something of a celebrity after being mentioned by both candidates in a 2008 presidential debate.

The Plumber Analogy

The plumber profession has been used to make many negative connotations over the years, but plumbers are generally considered the epitome of the working man. They work hard, pay their taxes and contribute to society. This makes them an easy analogy to the rest of middle-class America.

Of course, "Joe the Plumber" can also be "Joe the Electrician," "Joe the Small Business Owner," "Joe the Teacher," or any other respected profession in the world. The profession itself is only indicative of the mentality behind "Joe the Plumber." He might not have a fancy car or a big house, but he's proud of what he has and knows that he's earned every cent in the bank.

The Role of "Joe the Plumber"

"Joe the Plumber" has come to serve as a guideline for how America should be governed. Rather than looking to the poor or the rich for a guideline, politicians are now looking to the heart of America in decision making and policy writing. Middle America, and therefore "Joe the Plumber," encompasses such a broad spectrum of people that it makes sense to use it as a point of reference.

"Joe the Plumber" is a symbol for the Americans affected most by tax increases and policy changes. Since he also contributes the most to society in the way of value and taxes, simply by sheer numbers, he is also who matters most in the long run. "Joe the Plumber" owns small businesses and climbs the corporate ladder.

Are You "Joe the Plumber"?

The qualities of "Joe the Plumber" are vague, to say the least, and every politician has a different definition of who constitutes the epitome of the middle class. In short, however," Joe the Plumber" is a homeowner with a college education and a job or business that brings in less than $250,000 a year. The minimum income depends on the cost of living where he resides.

Do you feel like you represent the heart of middle class America? If so, you are probably "Joe the Plumber," regardless of whether you know how to wield a plunger.


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