Monday, August 31, 2009

How to Obtain Detailed Cell Phone Billing Records to Catch a Cheater

ometimes, you need to know specifics about whom your spouse talked to on their cell phone. Detailed billing records aren't always easy to come by, especially if you are not the true owner of the cell phone or handheld device in question; in other words, the cell-phone's account is not in your name.

However, especially in cases of potential infidelity or extramarital activity, knowing whom your spouse or partner is talking to, and who is talking to them, could prove exceedingly valuable. So, how can you obtain detailed billing records for your spouse's cell phone?

Unless you are involved in a legal proceeding where your spouse's extramarital activity is already documented, you're probably interested in keeping legal aspects out of the equation. However, you still want to know whom they called, who called them, text messages they sent, and whatever else you can find out, without giving away the fact that you are digging into their cellular phone activity history.

Fortunately, though, you don't necessarily need a warrant to retrieve a cell phone's billing records -- just the help of a cell-phone forensics investigator. Cell phone forensic investigation services can provide detailing billing records for cellular phones, Blackberrys or any mobile handheld device that stores data about its usage internally. Data retrieved through a forensic data recovery service can actually exceed the information provided in the cell phone bill.

For instance, you can find out: Numbers your spouse has called, and how long they were talking Text messages sent and received, and whom they were sent to Deleted contact list information The caller ID history (find out who has been calling them) However, retrieving a cell phone's detailed billing records with the help of a forensics investigator means that you can obtain even more data, which likely could prove to be more incriminating than the cell phone billing records themselves. For instance, an investigator may be able to retrieve: Deleted images Deleted videos Deleted web-browsing history (for web-enabled phones and mobile devices)

All of which can provide depth to the billing information recovered during a forensic examination. If your spouse is cheating, or is on a path that will lead to cheating, they cannot hide their activities, even if they use their cell phone. Detailed billing records, especially if they are uncovered through a cell-phone forensics investigation, can give you more information than if you had access to their billing history directly.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Chicken Coop Pictures

When starting any project, particularly building a chicken coop, it is very useful to study chicken coop pictures to help you visualise the finished project.

And where as you may not be too sure about the size or dimensions or complexity of the task you have taken on it is reassuring to see the end result and use it as a motivational tool in setting out on your task.

You should stick a coop picture of the style that you would like to build on your workstation and maybe on your fridge to help you focus on the end result.

Because of the increased number of coop designs from small, mobile, portable or large and luxurious it is always useful to see how the finished chicken coop will look and whether it fits into your garden and sits well in its surroundings.

And depending on where you live and your environment and your living space, you may decide that some designs are completely inappropriate where you live.

For example not many people realise that you could build a coop and raise chickens in a very small backyard in a town or city..but clearly there will be constraints on the type of coop you will realistically use.

Similarly if you live on a ranch and space is not a problem then the bigger coop which might even incorporate a chicken run will suit you better and allow you to raise more chickens..and perhaps even set up a small commercial venture initially which might blossom into something really profitable.

For these reasons it is helpful to check out chicken coop pictures and decide at the outset which is most suitable for you.

You can have a look at a range of chicken coop pictures at my blog..

Assessment for Home Loan Comparison

There are a lot of reasons why one wants to have a mortgage loan, but whatever it is, without a doubt, now is the best time to do so since interest rates are somewhat low due to the impact of recession. Then again, in order to have nothing but the best deal, a home loan comparison is a must. This is really important since by comparing mortgage loans, one will be able to choose the deal that will be most efficient and affordable. Luckily, comparison of loans has never been as fast and as easy as it is now. This is all thanks to the internet websites that offer a brief and a somewhat near accurate loan evaluation.

And all that it takes in order to do so is to fill up certain information online with all due honesty especially when it comes to one's credit score and rating. Being honest in this field is really important, given that it will greatly affect the result of the comparison. Aside from being free, another good thing about this home loan comparison websites is that upon completion of one's data, one will instantly get a feedback as to whether or not a certain type of mortgage loan is suitable for one's need. Also, by using these sites one will be able to find the mortgage lenders that offer the best rate of interest. This is because these sites are usually affiliated with not just a number of mortgage lenders but a lot of them.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Personalized Christmas Gifts For Him

Whether you are shopping for your father, boyfriend or brother they are a mystery on what to get them for Christmas. Try personalized Christmas gifts for him for a unique item that will show your caring attitude.

You may be shopping for your father. Many fathers have all they need and they are a mystery on what to get them for Christmas. Boyfriends can be just as difficult to figure out what to buy for Christmas. Your brother may or may not be as hard to find a gift for. Whether you are shopping for your father, boyfriend or brother you are sure to find at least one of the unique and personalized Christmas gifts for him.

You may want to give the man a personalized liquor flask for one or more of the men on your Christmas list. Each flask can be engraved to make the gift even more personalized. You can choose from modern looking circular flasks, the traditional stainless steel flask or a leather flask. One of the traditional flasks is designed to look Scottish with the plaid design whereas other flasks have vibrant colors to them.

Other Christmas gifts for him include a personalized stainless steel cigar flask with a cigar case. What a cool concept that is going to impress any one of the men that you have to shop for. There are many smoking accessories that you can personalized for Christmas gifts. Zippo lighters or cigar humidors are some very popular items for him.

One of the Christmas gifts for him that you will like is a desk clock. Keep him on time getting home if he tends to work too late. This will put the clock right in front of him to remind him it is time to leave and get home to you. Enjoy more dinners together when your spouse or significant other makes it home on time more frequently. Not only will he be home on time, he will like the personalized desk clock that is given to him. You can choose from a variety of styles which include marble or crystal.

Keep him organized with a day planner as one of the Christmas gifts for him from you. He will be less stressed out trying to remember meetings, important appointments, birthdays, your anniversary, etc. You will notice his demeanor change when he knows where he is going and he is not late or worse yet forgets to go to an important meeting with his boss or a very important client.

Another one of the great Christmas gifts for him is a personalized name plate for his desk. Let clients know his name right off the bat and not feel like they have to strain to try to remember his name. Also, the name plates for his desk are very stunning in marble, crystal or epoch.

No matter what you choose to give your favorite guy, personalized Christmas gifts for him should lead the top of you Christmas shopping list for all those guys who have been nice this year. Well, maybe even for those boys who have been naughty, too.

Article Source: RSCGH Personalized Christmas Gifts for Him

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Choosing Your Dream Log Cabin For Sale

The current economic situation has forced house prices down at a staggering rate sapping buyers' confidence as it has done so. However, this is certainly not the case in the log cabin market. An every increasing number of families are choosing these structures as their main residence in place of a conventional home. When you hear of the considerable advantages that a log cabin has over a traditional home, you may not be quite so surprised at this constantly growing trend.

For one thing, they are more affordable. You can purchase a perfect three-bedroom unit complete with large bathrooms and a screened-in porch in peaceful suburbia for a price less than that of a one bedroom condominium in the middle of the city. The maintenance and on-going repairs are also a great deal cheaper. This is particularly evident when considering energy efficiency and this is where these wooden structures really do excel. Aside from economic factors and practicality, log cabins are also solid structures that can withstand the test of time and nature. Contrary to public belief, they are one of the most sturdy structures because they are very well planned in advance meaning that very few errors are possible once the construction process commences. Not to mention the fact that log cabins, especially those built near tranquil lakes or up in the mountains, can be peaceful and cosy places for people to stay.

A very important issue to think about when purchasing a log cabin is the type of wood used in its construction. Choose one that uses full logs with diameters of eight to ten inches. They are tougher than split logs as well as being a lot more energy efficient. Also, make sure that the logs used have been pre-shrunk, air-dried and sanitized to prevent future warping and infestation by moulds, fungi or wood-eating insects.

There are two types of wood that are commonly recommended for log cabins: spruce and Scandinavian pine. Spruce is also known as white wood or North American timber and is used in manufacturing paper. Spruce is the chosen wood of many manufacturers because it is known to be resistant against both insect infestation as well as decay. When you choose from the considerable selection of log cabins for sale, it is imperative that you ensure that the spruce is used only for internal areas since exposure to outside elements can reduce this wood's life expectancy.

The other type, Scandinavian pine, is a high-quality type of wood very much in demand for building these structures. This is because Scandinavian pine is very dense and has a tight grain due to the slow growing seasons brought about by the region's cold climate. Some manufacturers are also careful to cut the wood only from the centre of the tree, where it is hardest and most stable. If you can stretch your budget for your perfect log cabin, it's certainly worth your investment to choose one that is made of Scandinavian pine.

Also, there are many different types of log cabins for sale these days. You can find A-frames, single-family cabins, multi-family cabins, open floor plans and the traditional American log cabin. Just choose one that will be most useful for you.

When you purchase your chosen product it is also important to consider whether or not the general surroundings are suitable for the needs of you and your family. Whether you would prefer to stay in a quiet rural area or in the modern suburbs, it's entirely your choice but it does require careful consideration. Just remember that the structure should not be your only consideration in buying real estate. With this in mind, it is now safe to say, happy buying!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Joe the Plumber Effect

The concept of "Joe the Plumber" was popularized during the 2008 presidential election. The term originated with Joe Wurzelbacher, a former plumber who has become something of a celebrity after being mentioned by both candidates in a 2008 presidential debate.

The Plumber Analogy

The plumber profession has been used to make many negative connotations over the years, but plumbers are generally considered the epitome of the working man. They work hard, pay their taxes and contribute to society. This makes them an easy analogy to the rest of middle-class America.

Of course, "Joe the Plumber" can also be "Joe the Electrician," "Joe the Small Business Owner," "Joe the Teacher," or any other respected profession in the world. The profession itself is only indicative of the mentality behind "Joe the Plumber." He might not have a fancy car or a big house, but he's proud of what he has and knows that he's earned every cent in the bank.

The Role of "Joe the Plumber"

"Joe the Plumber" has come to serve as a guideline for how America should be governed. Rather than looking to the poor or the rich for a guideline, politicians are now looking to the heart of America in decision making and policy writing. Middle America, and therefore "Joe the Plumber," encompasses such a broad spectrum of people that it makes sense to use it as a point of reference.

"Joe the Plumber" is a symbol for the Americans affected most by tax increases and policy changes. Since he also contributes the most to society in the way of value and taxes, simply by sheer numbers, he is also who matters most in the long run. "Joe the Plumber" owns small businesses and climbs the corporate ladder.

Are You "Joe the Plumber"?

The qualities of "Joe the Plumber" are vague, to say the least, and every politician has a different definition of who constitutes the epitome of the middle class. In short, however," Joe the Plumber" is a homeowner with a college education and a job or business that brings in less than $250,000 a year. The minimum income depends on the cost of living where he resides.

Do you feel like you represent the heart of middle class America? If so, you are probably "Joe the Plumber," regardless of whether you know how to wield a plunger.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sun Protection For Yard Work With Straw Hats

Skin protection has become a major issue these days, irrespective of the region you inhabit. Europeans and Americans are no longer taking a risk when it comes to providing adequate protection for their skin, a reason being skin cancer.

Skin cancer might be a direct result of the rising UV index these days, and thus, your skin needs to be guarded against the sun at all times. This would not have caused as much worry as it did fifteen years ago, but now that the sun is stronger, people need to sit up and take notice.

It is a plain fact that skin cancer is on a rise these days, and it mostly affects those who are under thirty five years of age and spend most of their time traveling or out in the sun. Dermatologists have always insisted upon the use of a good sunscreen lotion while venturing out in the sun. Most people hold the belief that skin cancer will result only if your skin suffers from bad sunburns. Well, that myth has been exploded. You can suffer from skin cancer without any visible symptoms of sunburns. Change your habits right now, if you do not want your life to take a downturn soon!

In this article, I will try and give you a few tips on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and cut down on the risk of skin cancer. All you need to do is get into a habit of using certain preventive measures:

1.Apply a good sun-block every morning before leaving the house. Make sure all your family members, including the kids rub sunscreen over their face and hands- or any other visible region. That includes your neck, your ears and shoulders.

2.Wear straw hats. It is essential to cover up your head- it not only protects your hair from being sun bleached, it will also help keep your face in the shade. Whether you are just out for a walk or pottering about in the garden- a sun hat is a must for everybody. A hat with a wide brim will prevent pre mature wrinkling, as well as prevent freckles from appearing on your face, neck and shoulders. These hats are mostly popular in countries that are closer to the equator, and are easily available.

Remember, therefore, to always don a stylish hat, preferably of straw before going out to work on your yard or elsewhere. A hat constructed of breathable fibers that will allow your perspiration to dry up will suit you better in humid weather. You could also choose to wear a hat that has an upturned brim. These days, there are hats that are lined with RayosanTM- this unique fabric absorbs most of the harmful UV radiations of the sun, allowing only a little to pass through to your skin. In fact recent research has revealed that around 99% of harmful UV rays are absorbed by this fabric.

Moreover, it is easy to clean straw hats: you would need nothing more than water and some mild detergent! As for proper storage of the hat, ensure that the brim doesn't lose its shape by keeping it in an upside down manner.

How to Choose Educational Toys For Toddlers

When it comes to learning toys, there are more products out there on the market than you can shake a rattle at. More and more we are learning just how quickly babies and toddlers learn, and how much they can absorb. You want to pick something that is not only educational, but will also grow with your child. Just make sure that you are aware of the basic safety precautions regarding small parts, durability, and age limitations. Read all instructions carefully, and if you are getting something from a friend or relative that may be an older toy, make sure everything is lead free. If you are at all concerned, lead test kits are available at most hardware stores.

With that in mind they are many different choices of brands out there. For hands on playing and learning, Little Tykes, Play School, and Fisher Price are at the top of the list. For fun interactive learning, Vtech is possibly the most versatile, expandable and easiest to use.

Building toys are one of the most popular learning adventures. There are many different kinds of building toys, and come in a wide variety of materials. Wooden blocks, a tradition in many households, are now made much more safely using a variety of plastics. Not only are these non toxic, because they are plastic, they can be hand washed and easily sanitized. These classics teach a wide range of quality things, eye hand coordination, shape recognition, and creative thinking are just a few.

Activity centers are very popular for small children. These are basically a combined assortment of things relating to sight, touch, and hearing. Many are brightly colored and keep your kids entertained for hours on end. Other activity centers can teach kids about tools, shapes, or even just have fun. You can choose from a wide assortment of play sets, from fairy castles to RC race tracks, and almost anything in between. There are big giant shoes with lots of things to teach about buckling, tying, and snapping stuff together, teaching your kids to fasten their own clothes and shoes.

There are many different video learning products available as well. These combine games with learning like counting games, word association, as well as many other learning tools. Many units expand with your child's learning, and can start out simple, but can perform many more learning adventures. Whether it's teaching basic science, or exploring the stars, these learning tools bring the fun back into learning, and education back in video games, a welcome trend that has become more and more popular lately.

The best thing to do when buying is to compare prices. Go to local retailers first so you can see and interact with them first hand. Make sure you read all the instructions, and directions carefully before and as your are putting anything together. Check for any warranty or return policies they may have as well. Then check the selection at online toy stores as many, many times the prices and/or coupons make shopping online a better deal.

How to Choose Educational Toys For Toddlers

When it comes to learning toys, there are more products out there on the market than you can shake a rattle at. More and more we are learning just how quickly babies and toddlers learn, and how much they can absorb. You want to pick something that is not only educational, but will also grow with your child. Just make sure that you are aware of the basic safety precautions regarding small parts, durability, and age limitations. Read all instructions carefully, and if you are getting something from a friend or relative that may be an older toy, make sure everything is lead free. If you are at all concerned, lead test kits are available at most hardware stores.

With that in mind they are many different choices of brands out there. For hands on playing and learning, Little Tykes, Play School, and Fisher Price are at the top of the list. For fun interactive learning, Vtech is possibly the most versatile, expandable and easiest to use.

Building toys are one of the most popular learning adventures. There are many different kinds of building toys, and come in a wide variety of materials. Wooden blocks, a tradition in many households, are now made much more safely using a variety of plastics. Not only are these non toxic, because they are plastic, they can be hand washed and easily sanitized. These classics teach a wide range of quality things, eye hand coordination, shape recognition, and creative thinking are just a few.

Activity centers are very popular for small children. These are basically a combined assortment of things relating to sight, touch, and hearing. Many are brightly colored and keep your kids entertained for hours on end. Other activity centers can teach kids about tools, shapes, or even just have fun. You can choose from a wide assortment of play sets, from fairy castles to RC race tracks, and almost anything in between. There are big giant shoes with lots of things to teach about buckling, tying, and snapping stuff together, teaching your kids to fasten their own clothes and shoes.

There are many different video learning products available as well. These combine games with learning like counting games, word association, as well as many other learning tools. Many units expand with your child's learning, and can start out simple, but can perform many more learning adventures. Whether it's teaching basic science, or exploring the stars, these learning tools bring the fun back into learning, and education back in video games, a welcome trend that has become more and more popular lately.

The best thing to do when buying is to compare prices. Go to local retailers first so you can see and interact with them first hand. Make sure you read all the instructions, and directions carefully before and as your are putting anything together. Check for any warranty or return policies they may have as well. Then check the selection at online toy stores as many, many times the prices and/or coupons make shopping online a better deal.

The Perfect Gift For Any Little Artist

Skip the easel and go straight for the flat surface that has a chair where children can be comfortable for hours on end. Children should be encouraged to express their creativity in all types of artistic ways. Studies have shown that instructing children in a creative outlet will aid in childhood development and allow them to find a healthy method of release. It can provide a release for stress, boredom, and frustration while providing them with a calmer demeanor that often results in a child that is better behaved. It even contributes toward the healthy mental development needed to become a well-adjusted adult!

If you thought drawing and coloring was just a form of entertainment, guess again! These are the activities that have been shown to lead to healthy, well-adjusted mental development in children. Being creative helps children understand their emotions and improve their self-esteem. If you want to influence your child's abilities to help him become successful in life during adulthood, provide him with the instruments to create great artistic work. In addition, you will help him to improve dexterity and learn problem solving skills. Learning the colors, shapes, and textures involved in a variety of artistic activities will help them learn to solve problems that are important in learning critical thinking.

You can pique your child's interest in creating artwork by providing him with the right furniture to work on and the tools to provide them with an outlet of expression. If you aren't sure what age you should start encouraging your child's artistic abilities, keep in mind that the earlier your child starts exploring and using his creativity, the more he will be able to develop. Also, once you stop using your skills for a long period of time and then start back, you will pick back up at the level you stopped at. That means that if you quit drawing in the fourth grade and then pick it back up as a forty year old adult, you will start at a fourth grade level.

There is a variety of furniture on the market that is designed for children to use as a workspace and you will find something that is suitable for any age from two and up. There are also plenty of tools that are non-toxic, washable, and safe for them to use on any surface since they can be easily cleaned up.

There are workstations that hold a roll of paper so that you can easily go from one drawing to the next or you can use scrap paper that has been discarded at your office computer or copier. You can also look into books and online videos on how-to-draw projects that are appropriate for your child's age.

The most encouraging step you can take towards getting your child to create artwork is by providing the space and tools that are especially designated as his artistic space. Keep encouraging and your child will only continue to benefit.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Phoenix Real Estate - The Pros and Cons of Short Sales

When it comes to real estate in the Phoenix Arizona area, many who are facing foreclosure decide to learn more about short sales, and how they work. No one wants to lose their home, but when financial worries are steadily increasing due to the economy, sometimes we feel we have no choice. This article will give you a clearer picture of the process, so that you may make an informed decision.

When it comes to short sales, you should speak with your real estate agent certified in distress property situations, who will help you with any questions or concerns you may have. You know that foreclosing on a home will ruin your credit, and cause you embarrassment. Add to that the fact that you most likely will not be able to purchase another home for several years, and it simply is not an attractive option.

Here are some of the pros and cons of short sales:


You can purchase another home in only two years, instead of waiting five years. This is probably the biggest motivating factor for most people when choosing a short sale.

Your credit won't be as badly damaged.

You may avoid the embarrassment and stress of the process for you and your family. A short sale as opposed to a foreclosure can also help your neighbors. One less foreclosure in the neighborhood will help the community.


Sometimes there may be a lengthy wait for the bank to respond to the offer.

There may be many potential buyers taking a tour through your home to see if it is something they are interested in, so keeping your house straightened and cleaned constantly may be a chore.

Although it most likely won't be a problem, there is no guarantee that the lender will accept the buyer's offer.

The paperwork can be frustrating. The bank will ask you for personal records, other bank accounts, assets and liabilities, etc. This is done in order to prove your hardship, and additionally they may want a hardship letter in writing from you.

If you don't mind a little extra work, this may be a way for you to avoid foreclosure and all of the nasty things that come with it. Money worries are a huge concern recently, and many are facing the possibility of losing their homes. Before you make a final decision, speak with a reputable certified distress property Phoenix realtor about how short sales may be the best option for you.

Ways of Getting a Relationship Rekindled with Your Ex-Boyfriend

Do you really want your ex-boyfriend back? If so, here are a few ways you can make this happen. The main reasons for break-ups are lack of communication and arguing. If we want to put a stop to this behavior, both parties need to understand how to listen as well as talk. If you have been apart for a period of time, hopes are that he is not seeing anyone else on a full time basis. If so, you will just have to work a little harder.

The best way to start is to make sure you go to some of the places he goes and when you go make sure you look your absolute best. Do not take a chance on running into him when you dash out to the store at the last minute. Especially if you are wearing your running clothes and your hair is plastered to your head. Take a shower and look good in case you happen to run into him. Just remember do not go every place he goes. This will look like you are stalking him.

The relationship the two of you shared is probably pretty fresh in his mind and when people are apart they tend to remember good times that were enjoyed together. The bad times tend to be forgotten the longer you are apart unless they were extremely bad. Anything can be forgiven if two people love each other and do their very best not to make the same mistakes again.

If you really want to know how to get your ex-boyfriend back, one of the ways is to let him know you are concerned with his welfare. Give him a call - no reminders of the arguments or disagreements that caused the breakup - just a friendly "How are you doing" call. Mention that something made you think of a good time the two of you had together and tell him it made you think of him.

The relationship the two of you had can be rekindled if both of you want to give it another try. Keep in mind the mistakes that were made the first time and do not repeat them. If you want a second chance to make things right, this has to be a fresh start with no blame games or constant reminders of times when things were not good.

Another way of subtly letting your ex-boyfriend know you are interested in getting back together would be to send him a few hints. Ask him if he wants to go with you to a game, a concert, a movie or something that both of you enjoyed doing before. If you had a favorite band or team get tickets and invite him to come. He will be pleased that you thought of him and you may have a really great time. Do something you used to do early in your relationship when the two of you had just started dating.

There are many ways of getting a relationship back if that is what both of you want. Knowing the difference between when it is possible and when it is not is what you will have to learn.

ChildProof Your Home and Stay Stylish

Nowadays walking into some of your friends homes might leave you feeling like you'd walked into a kindergarten or pre-school instead. Child gates at every turn, socket covers and every even mildly sharp angle covered in rubber protectors (for the children of course and not the furniture). What can make this whole experience even more disturbing is realizing that his house is actually your own home. At some stage in the parenting process it stopped being a retreat for your and your spouse and became a childrens playground. What you need here is to find the balance between having your home look like a shopping center for child safety devices and an actual home.

Do you have one of those plastic cabinet locks that simply get stuck during the most desperate of times? Yes, it wouldn't budge an inch and you've even considered calling your local fire department. Add to this the fact that it isn't at all flattering to your kitchen space. You'd almost wish you had teenagers instead of toddlers! Not to worry though, you can now get smaller locks that you place on the inner side of your cabinet. All you have to do is to push down on the plastic and voila! It's open! Although it won't be as effective once your little ones gain some height, but for right now, it's good enough to do the job...

If your house has larger than usual doors and entries, there are several gadgets available to keep the little ones from getting inside rooms. One is a minute piece of plastic that can go around any type of doorknob. When a child reaches for it, this gadget will bounce about. It's that simple. If adults want to open the door, all they have to do is to push on two little finger holds, grab the knob, and the door opens instantly. If you have a door done in brown, simply buy a brown-colored ball and people will hardly know its there!

One of the most painful experiences I've had as a child, along with scraped knees, was getting my hand smashed between doors. I'm sure you've been there too, and yes, it's not a fond memory to recall. Why subject your child to the same fate? Now there are devices made of synthetic material which you can put in the edge of a door so that when it closes, it won't slam all the way, giving your child the chance to escape. These come in different colors so you can purchase one that can be camouflaged easily. Your door won't have to suffer, and your child can grow up with ten complete fingers!

One of the best child safety creations out there are the small on/off safety type locks. You can just attach this to your appliances quickly and without drawing notice to it. The other neat thing about this type of lock is that they come in a wide variety of colors so getting them to blend with your color scheme shouldn't be too much of a problem.

You can have a home that reminds your guests you're not a full-time kindergarten teacher and that style and safety can blend very well when you try.