Saturday, July 31, 2010

Why Do Gums Become Sore? Do You Have Gum Disease?

Why do gums get sore? This is a question a lot of us have. At a time when fewer and fewer people can afford dental insurance, any problems involving the teeth or the gums are a cause for concern. However, a lot of different things can cause your gums to get sore. We are going to take a look at some of the most common causes. Hopefully recognizing them will be able to set your mind at ease.

It has to be said at the onset that sore gums can point to poor oral health. They are common in teenagers and adults alike. In general, there are six things which commonly cause this problem. Injury is the first cause. If the teeth or gums have been impacted by a hard object, soreness can result. Sports typically cause such injuries. Mouth guards provide protection against this problem.

Gum disease is the second cause. It is also known as periodontal disease. This problem is quite common in adults. It is actually the most common cause behind sore gums. The gums' attachment to the teeth is reduced. Infection can cause the problem, like gingivitis. Next: Follow the links below to stop or prevent this disease and stop it from coming back again.

In children - and sometimes adults, in rare cases - teething is the source behind sore gums. A tooth will force its way past the gum, through its tissue. Wisdom teeth can cause teething in adults.

Cancer of the mouth is another cause of sore gums. In fact, soreness of the gums is often the first sign. Bad breath and the teeth moving around are also signs. This often occurs with people who smoke, but it is not limited to smokers.

Having an impacted tooth can also cause sore gums. This is when teeth emerge at an incorrect angle. The sixth and final most common cause of sore gums is ulcers in the mouth. If the ulcer appears on the gums or if it rubs against your mouth, sore gums can result.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Non Prescription Eye Contacts

Non-prescription contact lenses are not meant for vision correction; they are called plano. Opaque color contacts are the most common non-prescription contacts. Though these lenses do not need a prescription, users must consult an eye care professional for the right fit.

There is a wide variety of non-prescription contacts available in the market. There are lenses that simply enhance one抯 natural eye color. There are also contacts to satisfy every whim and fancy. The lenses have names like 揻lame,?揳lien?and 揷at抯 eye.?It would appear that there is a non-prescription contact lens to suit every flight of fancy. Occasions like Halloween boost the demand for such lenses.

The user can choose between disposable and daily-wear lenses. Disposable lenses may be a better choice if the user plans to change colors frequently. These are the right choice when you use non-prescription color contacts only occasionally. There is no need to clean these lenses, and you can just throw them away after using them for a few days.

Daily wear lenses are more appropriate if the contacts are to be used more often. These will last longer, but need regular cleaning and disinfection.

Many doctors advise against the use of non-prescription contacts without a doctor抯 supervision. They warn that when a doctor does not monitor fitting, usage, and physiological effects, the contacts may cause serious damage or even blindness.

When people buy non-prescription contacts over the counter without bothering to consult an eye care professional, they tend to forget that contacts are not for everyone. The shape of the eye, the amount of tearing and the need for correction vary from person to person. Only a careful examination by a professional can ensure the right contacts for the right eyes.

All users must be mature enough to take proper care of the lenses. Diabetics need to take extra care, as infections may take a long time to heal.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Facial Exercise Contours Sagging Facial Features

If you have looked in the mirror only to see the look of old peering back at you, you are not alone...your aging face began developing years before you celebrated your fortieth birthday. Those tiny facial muscles hidden under your skin contribute to aging when they no longer adequately support your skin.

At first you may not notice your facial features softening but slowly, very slowly the muscles begin to elongate and gradually your appearance shifts. Add sun damage spots, a few wrinkles around the eyes, wrinkles around your mouth, wrinkles in your forehead and all of a sudden you realize that Mother Nature has silently sabotaged your face making you look much older than you feel.

Oh sure, there are those who say that sun damage is the biggest culprit of aging and yes, it is wise to always protect your face, neck, back of neck, chest and the back of your hands daily with sun block - a preparation that has zinc oxide and titanium dioxide - but, muscles in the face elongate about one-half inch by the time you reach 55.

Elongation means one thing: your once uniquely beautiful tight face has developed soft, spongy muscles that no longer provide alluring contours. Rather, the drooping soft muscles are pooling into other muscles. This happens throughout our bodies as we see our derriere slide into our upper thigh and our arms develop bat wings. Blame inactivity and gravity.

Correcting sagging body muscles is usually accomplished via exercise; the very same principles of using exercise to reshape your body are applied to the face. Using strength building techniques that are easily mastered, an exercised face always looks years younger.

For years many people have opted for temporary modalities hoping that injections, lasers, thermage, surgery, electro-stimulation and deep peels would indeed rescue their sagging faces from further aging. Not the case...

The natural solution to facial aging is facial exercise. Unfortunately, these natural techniques have been skewed with misconceptions.

Ask the average Josephine on the street about facial exercise and most likely her reply will imply that facial exercise consists of scrunches, puckers and twists of the face. Ask Josie if she believes those types of movements will lift, tone, and tighten her face. It is likely that she is highly skeptical that contortions are a beneficial modality in her quest for a younger looking face. Smart gal.

Contortions, scrunches, puckers and twists will not produce the desired effects of lifting, toning, contouring and tightening droopy cheeks, dropping eyebrows and jowls, pouches or the dreaded wattle.

Creams and lotions will not shape, contour or tighten facial muscles. If you are wearing a turkey neck, (it is more than a sagging double chin), you are painfully aware that short of surgery and liposuction, there is no hope that your chin will ever look sleeker, more defined.

So it goes with the entire face and neck. What's needed is something that goes beyond topical skin care preparations, something that you can rely on, that you can trust and will work for you every time.

Resistance exercises use the body rather than weights to create a lean and toned look. Apply resistance training to the face and you will discover that your facial muscles become stronger but without bulk. They contour and reposition to give you back the face you thought you had lost forever.

To proficiently exercise facial muscles fingers and thumbs in white cotton gloves are used to gently anchor the muscles so that resistance is achieved while a contraction is created. Initially, this probably sounds a little strange but once you understand how this type of manipulation is accomplished, the movements will make perfect sense.

Your confidence will soar when the exercise movements are practiced six days in a row once a day for nine to twelve weeks because you will feel and see subtle changes each time you perform the movements. After six weeks of practice the results will last longer and longer.

So take a look in your mirror and assess your face. Does your forehead feel lax and mushy? Does your face look square? Do your mouth corners turn downward? Do you see jowls and pouches along your jaw? Have you ever lifted both sides of your face thinking you might need a surgical intervention? Does your neck look fat? Does it have loose skin?

If so, you will be delighted to learn that facial exercise will not disappoint. Facial exercises are the fastest, easiest, safest, least expensive and most powerful way to enhance your beautiful face.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Preventing Eye Wrinkles - Must-Know Information

Do you suffer from sleep deprivation or stress? Have you noticed fine lines, dark circles, and bags under your eyes? If you have, don't let yourself believe that there's nothing you can do about it. Even if you continue to stress and get no sleep, preventing eye wrinkles and bags is as easy as using a top quality eye cream.

However, you must be careful. To prevent eye wrinkles, you cannot use just anything off the shelf that you think is top quality. You need to be sure that you are nourishing your eyes with proven ingredients, or else you're just wasting your money.
The main thing to remember is that you want to stay as natural in your selection as possible. Synthetic ingredients are often very irritating, and you don't want to use anything irritating around your sensitive eye area as this will only aggravate the existing problem.
Preventing eye wrinkles will be much, much harder if you use products containing synthetic ingredients such as alcohols and mineral oil.
Alcohols dry out the skin. So even if you're nourishing your eyes with essential nutrients, you'll be taking a step back and getting nowhere if your product contains alcohol. It's almost impossible to get rid of wrinkles if the skin is dry.
Mineral oil is just as bad, because it clogs pores, traps bacteria, chaps the skin, and causes all sorts of problems over the long run. You may not notice the problems immediately, but they will appear eventually.
Preventing eye wrinkles effectively starts with recognizing that wrinkles form around the eyes because of loss of essential proteins in the skin.
Many people know that loss of collagen is the main reason wrinkles form, and so they try to prevent eye wrinkles by taking collagen supplements or using creams containing collagen.
Unfortunately, it's a common misconception that you can get rid of wrinkles by using collagen supplements. It simply isn't possible, because collagen molecules are too large for the skin to absorb.
To prevent eye wrinkles, what you have to do is use products containing other proteins that will stimulate the body to increase its production of collagen. Using these products on a daily basis will provide constant stimulation to the body to keep th! e collag en levels high, and preventing eye wrinkles is a snap when collagen levels are high.
One of the few products that I prefer contains the protein keratin to stimulate increased collagen production. This keratin has been specially processed (not by hydrolyzation) to retain its bio-active properties, so that the skin can gain the most benefit from it.
To learn more about increasing your collagen levels or products that are effective at preventing wrinkles, feel free to visit my website.

Haley Hensley is a passionate researcher of natural skin care and is dedicated to finding quality skin care products. Visit her website to learn about the quality anti-wrinkle eye cream she recommends after extensive research: